Dharampal Satyapal Group (DS Group) and Radisson Hotel Group have relaunched "Namah Nainital" in Uttarakhand's picturesque landscape. This renowned property, once known as Manu...
Imagine searching for inspiration amidst the endless stream of fashion and lifestyle content. Suddenly, you come across a profile that captivates you with its...
Integrating technology into the onboarding process presents myriad benefits and challenges for organizations aiming to enhance their operational efficiency and employee experience. Conducting a...
We, TraiCon Events, will be hosting Kuwait’s premier Data Centre Summit event titled “Data Centre & Cloud Innovation Summit”, scheduled on 25th & 26th...
In 2024, over 17 million developers in India are actively building on GitHub, a Microsoft-powered platform supported by Copilot. According to GitHub, this represents...
Mumbai, 30 October 2024, Wednesday: The 43rd global edition of the World AI Show in Mumbai came to a resounding conclusion, bringing together top-notch...
Imagine a world where entrepreneurial dreams aren't limited by geography, background, or resources – where every founder has access to the knowledge, networks, and...
Glamour, opulence, and luxury are all words that come to mind when thinking of Ritz-Carlton's five-star hotel. Whether or not they have stayed there,...
Dharampal Satyapal Group (DS Group) and Radisson Hotel Group have relaunched "Namah Nainital" in Uttarakhand's picturesque landscape. This renowned property, once known as Manu...